110v dc motor speed controller circuit diagram Opções


Building a BDC motor controller can be quite simple, but it still involves some challenges. These can relate to both circuit design and firmware development. Let’s take a look at the things that may need your special attention. 

The characteristics of a DC motor are represented by a torque-speed curve that slopes downward to the right, with torque as the horizontal axis and speed as the vertical axis. The speed is highest when there is no load, falling away to the right until maximum torque is reached at zero speed.

Note that: I’ve deleted the auto-generated TIM2 initialization function and its parameter. Since our DC Motor library will handle that, we don’t need that function at all.

But if you use PWM feature built into the microcontroller you can use the microcontroller processor to do other task.

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Now we can move on and design a custom PCB for this circuit. For that purpose I will use the EasyEDA free online software. Here we can start by searching and placing the components on the blank canvas.

When applied to the rotor, the electric current generates an electromagnetic field and makes the armature rotate. The similar poles of the field around the stator and rotor repel each other, which causes a unidirectional motion.

Prepare the power supply. If using a power pack, install the batteries so the + and - sides are facing the correct directions in the housing. If it can be done, keep the power supply off for now.

A linear regulator keeps the output voltage at a constant level with a resistive load. The output is stable pelo matter what input voltage is supplied by the power source.

Using the tracking tool we need to connect all the components. The tracking tool is quite intuitive and easy to work with. We can use both the top and the bottom layer for avoiding crossings and making the tracks shorter.

PWM stands for Pulse Width Modulation. It basically describes the type of the digital signal. PWM technique is an excellent technique to control the analog circuits with microcontroller's digital PWM output. In this technique we can get analog results with the digital means.

Of course, there are better ways of controlling the direction of the DC motor without constantly changing the terminals.

While in other cases, the favored frequency can be up to 20kHz so as not to have any audible noise from the electronics side of the system. This can’t always be the case for all sorts of applications.

In this tutorial, we will cover the basic principles of DC motors and show you how to control the speed of a motor using PWM, an H-bridge circuit, and the L293D motor driver.


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